ONeills Eraline 244

(sire on video is incorrect)
Embryos available by Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHM
Reg: 15865812 • Tag: 1648 • BD: 3/16/07
Progeny: NR 4@105 • IMF 5@102
Sire: S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Dam: ONeills Eraline 231
- Outstanding carcass and growth mating with great EPDs
- Sold four embryos in the NWFF sale for $1200/each
This tremendous Pathfinder daughter of "004" is a maternal sister to Eraline 234. "244" has generated nearly $60000 in progeny and embryo sales to date. A Full sibling to this mating, ONeills Eraline 305 was top selling female overall breeds at the 2016 Iowa Beef Expo selling for $20000. "305" was called the carcass queen there as she scanned a 6.65 IMF and had a 16 inch ribeye to ratio 121. "305" is extremely long bodied and has an extra rib. Also selling at the expo was a maternal brother to these embryos, ONeills Exclusive 764 who sold for $5750 to Moffet Angus in Iowa.
Owned by O'Neill Angus Farm

ONeills 1648

ONeills 1648B

ONeills Eraline 305

ONeills Exclusive 764