ONeills Equinox

Reg: 20144208
BW: ET 205 • WW: 899 lbs • YW: 1,700 lbs
Sire: Circle A Adventure 0124
Dam: ONeills Delia 715
Equinox is one of the most exciting bulls we have raised. He is structurally correct with excellent feet and legs. He is a full brother to the great Pathfinder, carcass, and fleshing ease sire, ONeill's Expedition. Like his full brother, he has excellent disposition and we feel he has a great future. Tremendous scrotal and fertility. Expedition lived for 10 years and if he was still alive, he ranks near the top for $B at 18 years of age. His dam, Delia 715 lived for 17 years and both had perfect feet. He will see heavy service in our herd. He has balanced EPD's and is good in all traits!!
Owned by O'Neill Angus Farm


ONeills Delia 703

ONeills Delia 720
Full Sister

ONeills Delia 730
Maternal Sister