ONeills Excursion 78

Reg: 19151085 • BD: 2/22/18
AJD 365: 1559# • Scanned: 5.38 IMF with 15.7" REA BW: 65# • 205 Day Weight: 1026#
Current: 7 /25/19 - 1850#
Sire: ONeills Expedition
Dam: ONeills Eraline 305
Top 4% for DMI EPD -.47
Top 5% for RADG EPD +.32 Top 10% for $Beef+ 163.10
Offering semen shares or the sale of this great young sire! Many Cows and Heifers are bred to this great bull. Chance of a Lifetime here on one of Expedition's greatest sons out of our top young donor cow in the herd, ONeills Eraline 305. "305" shattered performance records last year raising Poundmaker at 1037# 205 and 1778 at 365 where he went on to scan 6.87 IMF to be our highest performing and greatest carcass sire to date. Full sibling embryos to Excursion sold for $1600 each at the 2018 National Western Foundation Female Sale in Denver. Excursion has the look to be a many time champion don't miss out on the opportunity to own part of him before it's too late. Most of our customers already know Expedition needs no introduction, but for those who may not know; he has been one of the breed's all time great maternal, high feed efficient pathfinder sires the breed has ever had. Excursion has the chance to do great things here at O'Neill Angus Farm. Maternal brother to the Top Selling Embryos at the 2019 NWFF Sale in Denver selling for $1600 each.
ONeills Expedition

ONeills Eraline 305